Episode 4: The Future of Podcasting

The future of podcasting Broadcast media is constantly evolving. The transition from radio to podcasting is a great example of it. Thanks to new technology and the democratization of access to this type of audio broadcasting, professionals from all industries including real estate are able to have a voice. In this episode we talk to radio and communications expert Carlos Patiño Millan. He is also a writer, journalist and professor.

He is a PhD candidate of Humanities at the Universidad del Valle and a professor at the School of Social Communication of the Universidad del Valle. He talks to us about his tesis on the impact of displace population in the Colombian territory.

In addition he has a Bachelor degree in Social Communication Journalism at the University of Antioquia, a Master’s in Audiovisual Practices with Emphasis on Documentary at the Universidad del Valle, and Master’s in Colombian and Latin American Literatures at the Universidad del Valle. He offers a sophisticated point of view in areas of film, music, and literature as well. He has directed three documentaries and has published ten books of poems, stories and short stories. His name appears in national and international literary anthologies. Lives in Cali, Colombia

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Episode 5: Green Building, Investment and Government Incentives


Episode 3: The Legal Process of Buying and Selling Real Estate in Colombia, Zoning and Property Value